Salad with Steel Cut Oats

Salad with Steel Cut Oats

Recipe by The Happy Food Chef Robin Joy


  • ½ cup chopped steamed asparagus

  • 1 carrot shredded

  • ½ cup chopped red pepper

  • 2 greens onions cut in circles

  • ¾ - 1 cup arugula or other greens

  • ¾ cup cooked steel-cut oats

  • ½ avocado, cubed

  • Herbs of choice depending on the desired flavor and then pair with appropriate dressing. Endless choices depending on what one is growing.


  • Place all ingredients except avocado in a bowl and toss. Make sure to crumble in the steel cut oats.
  • Add in the arugula or other greens. Toss salad with a dressing of choice.
  • Add the avocado at the very end and lightly toss and serve.

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